Last September I shared that I’m using AI as a part of Infophilia, avant-garde research and writing. Since then, I’ve published two articles about AI: The OpenAI Board Drama and The Limitations of the OpenAI Charter. I’ve written a few more about other technologies that use AI, such as artificial wombs (ecotogestation), Cruise (autonomous cars), connectomics (mapping the human brain), and polystores (databases). I also celebrated Linda Smith, prof emerita now, the first librarian in the 1970s who investigated the potential of AI for information retrieval. I shared news about two of my recent papers, one with an exceptionally brilliant data scientist.
Truth, trust, and transparency are important and I’ve also written about authenticity, misinformation, disinformation, participatory fakery, but not AI hallucinations. You, my readers are from different fields. I want to respect our time, yours and mine. The AI possibilities are endless. I’d like your feedback after reading this essay: Would you prefer a periodic AI roundup or an AI showcase? I include both to help you decide.
AI Stars showcases two search engines - not Microsoft Co-Pilot or Google Search - that are transforming information experiences. AI Roundup covers music, film, recent So Cal, and California news about customized AI agents and assistants.