October 5, 2024, Vol. 2, Issue 42
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on The AI Effect: Infophilia and the global rich and interest in the Infophilia Spectrum Survey. I dedicated that essay to the information scientist Elfreda Chatman of ‘small worlds,’ ‘information poverty,’ and ‘life in the round’ theories. Now, I honor her spirit by remembering those who get left behind by technological advancements - not just the economically poor but also those who are exploited, so others can jump onto glitzy tech bandwagons without critical thinking, exploit AI for personal gain, or simply get swept up in the hype and embrace it all with little care about the real human costs.
Cite as: Coleman, Anita S. (2024, October 5). The Extraction Machine: AI-Powered Dynamic Pricing. Infophilia, a positive psychology of information, 2 (42).